Derby St. Family Medical Centre Suite 103, 68 Derby St. Kingswood, 2747 ph - 02 47373322. |
Suite GO2 68 Derby Street Kingswood 2747. Ph - 02 47373333 Hours - Mon - Sat. 7:30 am to 8:30 pm. Sun & Pub. Hol - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Appointments until 6:00 pm during the week, until 12:00 pm Sat. Two per hour on Sat pm, Sun and Pub. Hols MAKING APPOINTMENTS You can make appointments with your doctor by phoning the surgery. If you need an urgent appointment or if you need a longer than normal appointment, please inform the receptionist when you call. You can come in at any time without an an appointment, but we cannot guarantee your choice of doctor with a reasonable waiting time. COSTS TO PATIENTS Monday to Saturday we are currently a bulk billing practice, as long as you have a current medicare card. |
To ensure quality doctors on Sundays and Public holidays
there will be a small cost to you the patient. One of the following will
You pay a co-payment of $ 15 at the time, we send in a claim on your behalf and you then send us the Medicare cheque. All children, pensioners, and healthcare card holders pay a $ 5co-payment at the time then send us the Medicare cheque. We cannot accept cash, credit cards or EFTPOS. back to specialists listing |